Alphabetical list of authors with their books. This section contains a short biography as well as all of their active books. Click on the book and it will bring to the place you can purchase the book.
Subject list of all of the books offered through Glorybound Publishing.
Author of 1 book on the subject of growing closer to God
Biography: Tonya Allodoli is originally a cornhusker from Iowa. Her journey had ups and downs with a high point of becoming a licensed Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through World Reaching Faith School of Training. The book is excerpts of her life journey.
Am I there Yet?
Tonya’s book is a composite of life stories in her journey with God. You will cry and laugh with her as she runs through your mind with a delightful rendition of growing in her faith. Light and easy reading. TA-3035 $12.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of 2 books. Autobiography.
Grandpa’s Story Book
The family book was revitalized for wife (LaVersa) 100th birthday party. This is her husband’s story he wrote in 2004. Bound as original binding: comb binding. 115 pages BB-2785 9.95
My Life from Covered Wagon to Space
This book is written as a mini-autobiography of the first 60 years of Boots Barto’s life. 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound. Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing.
Author of one book. Autobiography. Author since 2016
Memoirs of a 91-Year-Old Gal
Travel through the early life of LaVersa through the chapters -- Growing up in riverside, high school & college days, dating and marriage, siblings’ lives, farming adventure, back to California, a special vacation, car accident, a dream come true, the Mingus years, keeping up with family, after retirement, traveling, boots’ last days, life without my spouse. 131 pages NMB-01 $8.99
Author of 2 books. Both books are autobiographical. Author since 2016.
Biography: I thought it was about time that I put some of my life down on paper for those that might be interested in it. As of now in 2016, I have lived 75 years and still in fairly good health. Resides in Cottonwood, Arizona.
Grandpa Gary’s Story
The Biography of Gary Barto. He says, “As of now in 2016, I have lived 75 years and still in fairly good health. There is no guarantee from our Lord that I will keep on living a good healthy life, so I had better get started on this before it is too late.” GB-2182 161 pages $14.95
The Ride of My Life
The Ride of My Life started its journey as a weekly diary by a senior electrician on the historic ship MV Doulos for his family and friends. The book takes you from port to port over a 10 year journey around the globe. 331 pages GB-3002 $19.95
Author of 1 book on the subject of discipleship. Author since 2009.
Biography: Mark continues to share with us his love for discipleship through the series of Pocket Tools for Discipleship. Each features a tool.
Discovering God’s Tools for Discipleship
Mark shares transparency in suffering, sins, and love for the Lord is drawn through analogy with garage tools. Book of devotionals by Pastor Mark Baumgartner. MB-2908 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author 1 autobiography book, Artist w 7 paintings. Author since 2005
Has been with Glorybound Publishing since the beginning. Movie Producer who thinks in color. Ronald is pursuing his dream of movies residing in California.
This book is about a life that started badly, but will end well…and the same solution can be had by anyone who so desires. It is in those very dark places that the Lord makes the impossible possible a “divine intervention” that can and will change any physical circumstance. 136 pages RB-5800 $19.95
Author of one book on the subject of comfort to those who have lost a pet. Author since 2019Biography: Gordon was a parish minister until 1983 when he moved to Indianapolis, Indiana to pursue a career as a staff chaplain at Methodist Hospital of Indiana. He served in that capacity for thirty years, retiring in 2017. Gordon lives in Rimrock, Arizona and plays Native American flute in the Verde Valley area. Across the Rainbow Bridge I already know you have and love dogs or you wouldn’t even be reading this. I also know that you have lost dogs, have had beloved canine companions who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. You know the pain this has brought into your life, but you know as well the joy that only dogs can bring. Thank you for your love and care for these marvelously faithful and loyal creatures. While it is true that God created all animals, ourselves included, I believe there is a special place in God’s kingdom for dogs. GW-3898 $9.95
Author of 1 history book. Author since 2021. Service
Sean W. Butler was named Curator and the Arizona Scouting Museum’s Exhibits Specialist in 2002, where he also served as a contributing author to several of the Museum’s historical periodicals and publications before being nominated and appointed to the Arizona Scouting Museum Board of Directors in 2018. Just one year earlier, in 2017, the author’s father and the Museum’s Chairman, Dean Butler organized an ad hoc committee which embarked on a major project to research and gather information in preparations for publishing a book documenting the history of the Grand Canyon Council to coincide with the council’s upcoming centennial anniversary in 2021. An Eagle Scout, former District Executive with the Boy Scouts of America and past recipient of the Jack Steig Award, Sean is a graduate of the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. He currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Historical non-fiction written by her grandmother. Takes place in early 1900s. Author since 2021
The book was originally written by her grandmother and she made a few personal copies for the family hand typing them. In 2021 she met Sheri Hauser and worked with her to scan in every page and revitalize the book releasing it on Amazon for sale.
Personal journey coupled with poetry. Author since 2021.
Poetry in the Chinese language. Author since 2008
Dr. William Chu is a respected Cardiologist in Las Vegas and loves fresh poetry -from the heart.
The Moon and the Stars Collection
The book is in the Chinese Language. A collection of poetry. $19.95 USA TM-2144 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author and illustrator of two children's books on the subject of Ancient Mesopotamia History. Author since 2018.
The Bullfrog and the Butterfly
A children's book which familiarizes children with ancient history. They are both delightfully illustrated.
Welcome the Rocks of Ages where Kevin lets pictures tell the story. The Legendary Seven Cities of Cibola was based on a society that had been there nine thousand years in Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean Basin before the oceans rose up and penetrated the Pillars of Hercules at the Gates of Hadies which is today known as the Rocks of Gibraltar. The entire civilization of Mesopotamia was wiped out and covered up by the Atlantic Ocean and is lying under 30 to 40 feet of soil. Join Kevin as he uncovers mysteries. 93 pages KD-2407 $19.99 8.5” x 11” Perfect Bound
Author of four books on the subject of Ancient Mesopotamia History. Author since 2018.
Biography: Ever since he spent time in the Special Forces in the Middle East, he has been fascinated with how climate change and cataclysmic events have changed the environment to such a state that cities, peoples and their treasures were buried. Now, they are being uncovered and it is exciting to correlate them with historical events.
Rocks of Ages
The effect of climate change 3500 years ago in the Mediterranean. Ten thousand years ago a comet came to the earth and grabbed the earth in a magnetic field and flipped it up and down and back and forth. It reversed its rotation. 171 pg. #KD-2286 $19.50 8.5” x 11” Perfect Bound
Book on the subject of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Author since 2021
Brenda Robertson Del Monte is a Speech Language Pathologist and an assistive technology evaluator and facilitator, who has worked with people with disabilities for over 20 years. Her passion has been working with people who are not functionally verbal and use communication devices to help them communicate specializing in working with those with complicated bodies and therefore have limited ways to access augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Her driving belief is that each one of us is here on purpose and for a purpose, and that belief drives her ability to see the beautiful hearts and brains inside those with significant physical disabilities. Brenda is also a Co-Founder and President of a nonprofit (501c3) Believe Beyond Ability that evaluates, determines, provides and trains those with multiple disabilities on assistive technology to increase independence and access activities of daily living. Visit her website at for more resources on this topic.
Book on the subject of integrity
Author since 2010
Pastor in Nigeria Africa sent his book to an American woman named Nancy Masterson to edit. She was faithful and is presenting it to us.
Integrity: The pathway to success in Life and Ministry
Pastor Simeon begins by defining the word ‘Integrity’ according to Scriptures, then reviews areas that are crucial to demonstrating the character of God within believer’s lives. ISBN 978-1-60789-249-6 $9.95 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Co-authors of 18 books Leadership and Ministry, Relationship and Family and Building Character. We are releasing 4 at this time. Authors since 2010
Husband and wife pastoral team residing in Ghana, Africa. They have five children Forming Treasure House Publishing-a sister publishing company to GBB. Sheri assisted them to flee from Nigeria to Ghana where they felt God called them to start a Church. They were successful and have a growing Church in Ghana.
Maintaining chastity among young women and men this book outlines myths regarding sex prior to marriage. Building Character
The Folly Of The Young Prophet
Unfolding costly mistakes of ministers and Christian and how to avoid it; using the story of the man of God from Judah (1 Kings 13). Leadership/Ministry
The Foul of the Old Prophet
Exposing the wicked acts of some ministers and others in life and ministry using the story of the old prophet who deceived the man of God from Judah; and how to deal with them {1 Kings 13}. Leadership/Ministry
The Spirit And The Armor Of Saul
Exposing dreadful characters of people both Ministers and Members in the kingdom using the life of Saul as a case study. Leadership/Ministry
Author of 1 children’s book. Author since 2018
5th generation full blood Yavapai who is married to Dale Gohr (also GBB author). They teach Yavapai language class at Olli locally.
Gathad La Ha
Children’s tale which has been passed down through the Yavapai generations. The edition is in the English language and Yavapai language. Art by Karna Peck. $12.95 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly.
Children’s book Author since 2009
He wrote this book originally for his daughter but is releasing it for others to bring comfort to those who are separated from their children.
June Moon Messenger With this children’s story a little girl misses her papa and the moon and the stars bring a message to him in a distant place. The book brings comfort to children who are separated from their parents. KJDS-A DG2069 Perfect Bound $9.95 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Allegorical novel. Author of one book. Author since 2018
Dale has a long history of loving God and desiring to share his faith with others. Not too long ago he married a Yavapai lady and joins her in sharing and promoting the native language in the local area of Verde Valley through a program called OLLI.
The Yavpe Squirrel
Dale Gohr’s, The Yavpe Squirrel takes us on a journey much like a “dog’s purpose” initially. We have an easy to embrace the main character that takes us on a wild journey. The twist in this story is that unlike most animal tales which focus on the bond between man and dog. Gohr’s book is one of the relationships between the main character and faith. 166 pages DG-2278 $14.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
Author of 1 Children’s book. Author since 2017
Illustration by Karna Peck
Jack the Cat was Very Fat
Children’s story about a cat who loves to eat. This story has a youtube video with sound effects. GBK Book. 32 pages. PG-2251 $9.55 8”x10” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
One children’s book. Reforestation. Author since 2018
Patricia spent time in Africa in the Peace Corps. The story is a result of her time in Africa. It uses photos from her trip.
Sawdust Tears
Aunty Awausi is Patricia K. Hamilton, a returned American Peace Corps Volunteer who served in Ghana, West Africa. Her service was to manage a reforestation nursery and supervise the planting efforts. During her Peace Corps service, Patricia found herself to be a ‘Pied Piper’ to the village children. The children’s experiences and lovable faces inspired her to write this story.
GBK Book 32 pages $19.95 8” x 10” hardbound book. Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Family History Author. 1 Book. Author since 2019
Crain and Greier Families dating back to 1700
The history commences with the story of Robert “Bob” Crain and then lists his parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. working backward through the generations. The history of Lois Greier continues with her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. tracing the family back in years. Crain and Greier families are traced back in history as far as possible at this time. Perhaps you as curious descendants will pick up this challenge and enjoy investigating in the future. These families are part of your story. Enjoy the old photographs. You may be surprised to see someone in your family today who resembles one of these ancestors …
167 pages available in black and white edition (19.99) or full color (31.35). 6” x 9” Perfect Bound
Biography. Author of one book. Author since 2018.
Jeri Sue’s life has changed since she was diagnosed with ALS. Here is her story. As a vibrant lady in the prime of her retirement, she was diagnosed with a debilitating disease called ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). The book is a combination of life adventure, contemplative poetry with a spiritual infusion.
In Between- Hand in hand with ALS and my life
This is the life story of Jeri Sue. Walk her adventures as a teacher, truck driver, businesswoman, and private pilot and dealing with a debilitating diagnosis. At the time the book was published she was completely unable to talk but a few words. Autobiography $9.95 JH3417 5.5” x 8.5” Wire Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Artist for 1 children’s book. Author since 2015
Carole lives in Shepherdsville with her husband John. For years, she has painted numerous murals in homes, restaurants, schools, businesses and churches. Her art now is on canvas, either in oils or acrylic. She is inspired to paint Christian works, depicting her strong faith. Her work is a wide range of landscapes, seascapes, floral and portraits, and cartoon characters. Carole has always wanted to try her hand at illustrating children s books. She has formal training from the Louisville School of Art, was an art major in college and has taken lessons from some well-known artists whose pallets have been oils, acrylics and watercolors. Carole is an award-winning artist with several of her works across the globe and is currently exhibiting at the Fine Arts Bardstown, Bardstown, Ky. Carole is a member of the Central Kentucky Art Guild in Elizabethtown, Ky., and she is the past president and founder of the Visual Artists of Bullitt County and past vice president of the Bullitt County Arts Council, Shepherdsville, Ky.
Hiding in the Dark
This is a delightful story of a flock of sheep that do funny things when they are afraid the shepherd has left them for the night. Story by Sheri Hauser with illustrations by Carole Jackson Powell. GBK (8) SH-2717 $9.95 8”x10” Perfect Bound
Family History. Author of one book. Author since 2017.
Wyona is a local historian with deep family roots in the Verde Valley. She is a member of the Historical Society and has studied local history extensively.
Wyona Holmes Jaffe presents us with a slice of Verde Valley History with her 1875 true story of Jennie Lee Hawkins Holmes passed on from her grandmother, a true pioneer born and raised in the Arizona Territory. Local Arizona History 138 pages WJ-3011 $21.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
Willie and Althea have worked to redirect youth in Las Vegas for over a decade . They also have a garment design shop. They restored 1936 Cadillac.
Authored 2 books. One on Marriage Helps and the other is a children’s book. Authors since 2009.
Joy-the Car that went Bump Ditty Bump
Joy-the Car that went Bump Ditty Bump written by Althea Jones with illustrations by, son-in-law, Channon Crowley, arose from the personality of the restoration of a 1936 Cadillac. It took patience to transform Joy from the rough stages of life to where she is now. Parts were ordered with frequent visits to the junk yard. Mechanics had to put the parts on. She had to get coats of paint; wait for drying between each layer. We wanted her to come together faster than she did, but God was teaching us patience. It developed us to build strength and character... and a children’s story which we now share with you! 39 pages AJ-3673 $11.95 8” x 10” Perfect BoundA Spiritual Marriage VS a Secular Relationship
Willie and Althea give some pointers to making a marriage healthy--starting with the marriage vows and ending up in the marriage bed! Learn how to strengthen your marriage using Scriptural principles taken from the Bible. WJ-3110 107 pages $10.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
One Book. Civil War Play. Author since 2009.
The sound that I heard on the beach was a cry from those dead soldiers so long ago. Growing up I thought it was my mission in life to do something so help them be remembered what it was to be a slave on that Ocean shore when the Lincoln soldiers first landed... What it must have meant to be there on the day of the Jubilo.
Port Royal Sound
Growing up my interest never drifted very far from the civil war. I never could explain it, but I had a fascination for that stretch of beach near Hilton Head, South Carolina. So, I wrote a play from the slave side of the events on the day Lincoln Soldiers landed. Historical Play AJ-2021 $9.95 5.5” x 8.5” Wire Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Professional Musician and music director for Sharing Ole Lumpy musical recording.
With us since 2009. Wrote music and directed Sharing Ole Lumpy Comes to Life CD.
Ole Lumpy Comes to Life CD
Musician John Jones has teamed up with a family of frogs to make a musical of Sharing Ole Lumpy. It is a follow along reading type CD. Children’s Book CD Hop-a-Log Series $14.95 U.S.A. Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Sex for the older population. Author since 2018.
Raised in Hawaii and lives in Sedona, Arizona with his new wife.
Sex and Sensibility for Seniors
I’m 77 and recently married, less than a month ago. For the fourth time. I’ve had reasonably good health, but like some people my age, have erectile dysfunction. It doesn’t dampen my libido, but it does require that I improvise. But since sex is nonetheless an engaging topic and seems to preoccupy our attention quite often, it seems like a good topic for a book, or for social conversation. GK-1166 150 pages $11.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
1 Book. Spiritual. Author since 2019.
Lives in Camp Verde.
Silver Cord
Ernie gives us insight into his relationship with God and how the Holy Spirit is alive through all our living particles if we enter into this unique Christed relationship. …As I See it, thus I live it. As I have realized experientially the greatness of sacred life. Thus I live it — blessed be. As in my life- This life occasion, I have swept out the stable. First with a hayfork, then a rough broom, a fine broom and now, as I approach the barn door, a toothbrush. This effort has a taken a very long time — many lifetimes. 6” x 9” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly.
3 books. Spiritual Man. Author since 2009
From childhood, he has had an infusion of religious education capped with his own spiritual experiences. At 16 he dropped out of Catholic High School and ran away in search of his own truth. His hunger to know God on a personal level drove him to study.
The Internal Gospel
A mystical account of Christ manifest in the modern world; specifically, the Good News of a Messiah who embraces all religions if love of God (The Father) is alive and pulsating within their theological themes. Christian Prose $9.95 Staple-bound USA KTI 283-0 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
God and Science
This piece of modern, scientific theory offers a hypothesis of life-based on the Good Book of God as well as other cultures’ religious texts. The sublimity of pseudo-science gelled with axiomatic theories. Beautiful verse. Inspirational Prose $9.95 USA KGA 310-3 5.5” x 8.5” Wire Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Touchdown for God: Play by Play
A true tale of how one man pushes away his homo-erotic curiosity in order to pursue the perfection of a Majestic God. Plus, a sport’s metaphor for living a life dedicated to Christ by way of playing and praying hard. Inspirational Play $9.95 USA KTF 317-2 5.5” x 8.5” wire Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Christian Growth. Author since 2010.
Nigerian Pastor who is bringing us several more books to come! He is eager to publish his book locally.
Understanding the Potency of the Vision
Clarity of vision is one of the most important elements in achieving life goals. Kenneth A. King outlines several important principles that separate many from becoming what they envision. Spiritual Foundation $19.95 USA KK3509 5.5” x 8.5” wire Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Biographical. Author since 2018
He has spent time in the service and service-related industry. Lives in Camp Verde, AZ.
This book is a rather wide array of experience, 2 autobiographies. The fiction will show itself, the experience can be believed or not. The autobiographies are the truth. Both men went through too much bull shit for either story to be a lie. I met Jack Fair about 30 years ago. I had bought a 100-year-old homestead in the northern part of Los Angeles county. At the time my only neighbor was the Tajon Ranch, they had 270,000 acres and surrounded me on all sides. The store had a public phone that we had to go to make a phone call. I met a guy there and we started talking and became friends we told each other about our past in a guarded unsure way. He said he was writing his autobiography but was unsure what to do with it. Getting something published in those days was pretty difficult. In the end, he finished it, and gave it to me before Lois and I left California. I’ve had it for over twenty years. Now it will see the light of day, hopefully. At any rate, these two guys went through hell this whole time, as have millions of other servicemen. At least these two men will have their fifteen minutes of immortality. 238 pages GK-2197 $19.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
One Book. Inspirational Prose. Author since 2015.
Rebecca graduated from college with a degree in Art and Secondary Education. She taught Art for eleven years, in both public and private school systems, as well as teaching private art students. Her inspiration comes from ample resources and experiences God provides each and every day.
Finding Peace in the Presence of God
The book is a compilation of spiritual poetry and prose combined with photos meant to bring encouragement to the soul. Inspirational Poetry $9.95 USA RK2618 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Holy Spirit Gifts & Testimony. Author since 2018
Brian is a carpenter for over 30 years. He became hungry to know God better and was sent to a Church where he became anointed in the Holy Ghost up to overflowing with the spiritual power of God!
God is pouring out His Spirit and Brian is here to share the news. He has new insight into spiritual Gifts and spiritual senses as well as testimony of how he is personally using them to honor God. Holy Spirit Gifts 228 pages BL-3436 $19.95 6” x 9” Perfect Bound
1 book. Healing. Author since 2015
Retired and lives in Texas. She has strived to learn about specialized prayer for healing through her own medical conditions.
Hook to the Holy Spirit
Hook yourself to the Holy Spirit and watch the changes come in your life. He loves you and died for you so you could repent and be forgiven of all wrongs. Pray over your food so he will give you more tomorrows. I like to eat clean food, don’t you? You cannot live without water. The thirst will be horrible. Let your thirst be quenched by God. He provided water out of the rock in the desert for millions of people. He can do it again if he wants. He is your provider when you ask. 122 pages DL-2892 $19.95 5.5” x 8.5 Perfect Bound
1 Book. Family History. Author since 2019
Nichols and Mickles: They all Came Together
The purpose of this work is to preserve some of the more remote parts of the history of the William Wallace Nichols and the Frederick Maxwell Mickle pioneer ancestors. We have tried to trace the lives of these early ancestors from father to son and on to their descendants living today. By 1879 the Bill Nichols family came rolling into their new world from Oregon, and just eight years later Fred Mickle, looking for work in the mines of Jerome, made his way to that same place. Their son, Lester Knight Mickle, and their daughter, Myrtle Jesse Mickle-Boyd were the first products of that new blood line that “All came Together” in the Verde Valley. $19.95 6” x 9” Perfect Bound Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of 1 book. Christian Marriage Helps. Author since 2016
Born in Port Shepstone, Kwa-Zulu Natal, she acquired her Bachelor’s degree in global business management, from the University of Phoenix. Courtesy is the wisdom we are born with; look at a child and their inclination to be kind. She enjoys encouraging, motivating, hopeless, broken people who need hope.
Customizing your Marriage God’s Way
This is an easy read book for all those interested in learning God’s way of doing things. The book is designed to encourage commitment in relationships and acknowledge God’s unique design in each individual. Christian Teaching $6.95 HM 2991 5.5” x 8.6” Wire. Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Inspirational for single parents. Author since 2010
Karen raised her daughter as a single parent and shares the stability of her relationship with God.
My Heart Feels; My Soul Listens
Karen shares stages of her life as she raised her daughter being a single parent showing how at each stage God was there for her to depend upon. Poetry and prose. Inspirational Poetry $19.95 USA MH-2113 6” x 9” Perfect Bound Bound Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Christian. Author since 2011.
Nigerian Pastor who is bringing us several more books from afar!
Understanding the Mystery of Dreams:
A Scriptural Analysis We must be sure that the one interpreting a dream is of God before we follow any instruction. Only God can reveal the future to his people because he is a revealer of mysteries. Understanding Dreams $19.95 USA EM3517 5.5” x 8.5” wire Lives in Nigeria. Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
1 Book. Historical Family Book.
A true story of a mother and her children trapped in WWII Koenigsberg Germany, 1945. You will be on the edge of your seat with the harrowing story of a young mother and her daughters in Koenigsberg, East Prussia during the Russian invasion. The book is compiled from actual memoir of Heidi’s aunt who lived through the events. Welcome to a chunk of history that continues in the lives of the children! 168 pages HM-2491 $21.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
Author of 2 books. Children’s Books. Author since 2012.
Growing up in Greece, she went through the inner struggle, but, as she turned her life toward God, she was able to transform pain into something else. Now, she writes with a passion for children to have a loving and healthy relationship within their families.
Pride in our attitude affects our actions towards life. In the book, Lora goes through a big challenge at the zoo and realizes she needs to give up her pride and change her attitude. Christian Version. Heart to Heart GBK Children’s Book $12.95 MM5725 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
Pride in our attitude affects our actions towards life. In the book, Lora goes through a big challenge at the zoo and realizes she needs to give up her pride and change her attitude. Heart to Heart GBK Children’s Book $12.95 MM3653 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
Author of 2 Books and 12 booklets. Christian Growth. Author since 2010.
Deep connections with the prison ministry. Presently performs weddings in LV. Ordained Pastor. Married to the author, Sharon Moyer.
Bulldog Faith
Without preparation, we will never attain the assurance of the victory we have in our lives. In the preparation process, it will consist of at least two elements, the one doing the preparing and the one being prepared. Faith Building Book 114 pages RM-5082 $8.95 USA 6” x 9” Perfect Bound
Each book of the Bible has a (Key Word, Verse, and Chapter) look for these keys. The smallest key may be able to unlock the largest lock. Think of the Bible as your bank vault with all the right keys inside, but you need the right key to unlock it. Faith Building Book 77 pages $8.95 RM-1884 6” x 9” Perfect Bound
Author of 7 books. The glory of God. Author since 2010.
In Aglow and sings and preaches. Holy Spirit ministry on the Glory of God. Ordained Pastor.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit causing an explosive power in praise, and prayer life. 176 pages MS274-8 $16.95
Holy Spirit experiences, visions and dreams and Biblical scriptures. 173 pages MS2731 $16.95
The subject of the Blood of Jesus. 179 pages MS2779 $16.95
Latter Rains of Glory is a composite of 12 writings related to the end times. 172 pages MS2755 $16.95
Healing through the Holy Spirit. 167 pages MS2762 $16.95
Restoring the Tabernacle of David
The subject of the restoration of the glory of God for today. 165 pages MS2793 $16.95
Subject related to the outpouring of God’s glory in the end times. 186 pages MS2946 $16.95
Author of 1 book. Children’s Book. Author since 2009.
Mother and housewife. Children’s dance instructor and play director.
Children are made just like Crayons
(1-6 yr)shows how we are all made different colors. By Brandi Nelson with art by Karna Peck. 8” x 10” Perfect Bound. Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of 2 books. Christian Growth. Author since 2015.
When I was deathly ill God spoke to me about writing. Through prayer, God healed me and continued to talk to me about writing. So I asked Him and He told me He wanted me to write a book on His love.
God’s love for you is endless. It goes on into eternity. Do you wonder how that is possible? This book will give you insight on that. God’s love comes through His Sons shed blood and the Holy Spirit. Spiritual Book 177 pages GN219 $19.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
God wants you to know that He loves you. Even though we sin God still loves us. This book will help you understand more about God’s love. We are lost without God’s love. Let Him show you His love. Spiritual Book 146 pages GN5824 $19.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound
Author of 1 book. Biography. Author since 2008.
Wife and Mother and has successfully battled cancer. Look forward to seeing more of her books.
Ordinary People
Ordinary People the story of how God used ordinary people to do extraordinary things. $19.95 USA OP-0782 5.5” x 8.5” wire Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
The Cricketeers
Hazel Oller shares a delightful story of the animals, insects, and birds gathering together to provide wonderful music at night. GBK Children’s Book HO5784 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Daily Bible Study Tool
This book is a very powerful tool that will help you get closer to God. The book includes: 1. Examples 2. Gods Plan of Salvation 3. Daily Reading Schedule 4. Daily Bible Reading Diary ible Study Guide $19.95 USA SDB2533 5.5” x 8.5” wire Available from author or Glorybound Publishing directly
This is a great way to get organized in front of the big day. Dean developed this book when his daughter became married. Fill in the blank pages. 93 pages DP-0043 $19.95 8.5” x 11” Perfect Bound.
Author of 8 children's books and 1 business book. Author since 2005.
Karna is Sheri's sister. She grew up in Seattle and is a professional artist, writer and owns an art studio in Bremerton, WA.
AJ is afraid to look in his closet. In the book, he learns that facing the fear is best. Hop-A-Log (7) 31 pages KP8273 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
(1-6 yr) a little frog, Soaker, needs to relocate because his pond is drying up. Two ducks help him. Story and art by Karna Peck. Hop-a-Log books for children. Hop-A-Log Book (5) 37 pages KP2038 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
What fun to go to visit grandparents. the books tells all the fun things you can do while visiting them. GBK (12) 33 pages KP2090 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
This book gives simple advice to children on how to get ready for school. It covers the basics. A great book to share with children who are getting ready for school. Book comes with toothbrush, comb and socks. GBK (12) 34 pages KP2090 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
(1-6 yr) a poetic book featuring the animals who went into Noah’s ark. Story and art by Karna Peck. GBK (13) 29 pages KP-8142 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
The Business of Becoming a Business
Karna presents a simplified way to develop a business plan on a short budget. She shared this plan over several years working as a Homeless Advocate for Mason County, Washington and saw those without income become successful. KP-3042 5.5 x 8.5 wire not on kdp $8.95
Things that Make You Smile in the Garden
A collection of whimsical pictures related to the garden by a professional artist, Karna Peck. 31 pages KP-0320 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
Collection of frog art that makes you smile by professional artist, Karna Peck. 33 pages KP-7688 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
(3-7 yr) A primary & secondary color mixing book One of the Hop-a-Log books for children. Karna Peck has taught art for several years at all levels and brings this to basics. Hop-A-Log Book (6) 29 pages KP-2753 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
Author of two books. Spiritual book and biography. Author since 2015. Dennis lives in Mississippi and is very active in his church.
This is an action-packed story of how one man learns to trust God amidst trying situations. Dennis says, “I remember when it first started, not that it was long ago. The Lord impressed me to get in shape spiritually and physically. God had plans for me; certain plans I didn’t yet know about. Biography and testimony. 175 pages DR-2632 $19.95
Learn to pray through many of the Psalms along with Dennis. There is power in the words when combined with Scripture. 80 pages DR-2595 $9.95
1 Book on subject of a biography. Author since 2018.
When the Witnesses Come Calling
You will be on the edge of your seat reading Gilberto Rivera’s account of his harrowing struggle to maintain his credibility within his family. He presents all the details with supportive data. 125 pg. GR-1147 $11.95 5.5” x 8.5” wire-bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of 2 books. Both on business. Author since 2018.
Rick has had a successful business career and continues to lead by being a professor at a university. He also has a non-profit where he gathers stuffed animals to give to children in the hospitals who are sick. Project K.I.A.N.
The Dynamics of the Change Process in the Aerospace Industry
Aerospace was the industry selected for this study, however, the end result of this work indicates that information is applicable to any industry, organization, or association.
76 pages RR-4600 $16.50 8.5” x 11” Perfect Bound
A collection of business and life witticisms, musings and truisms. 130 pages RR-2294 $9.95 Perfect Bound
Author of 5 plays- gathered into 1 book for publication. Children's plays. Author since 2015.
Grandma Carol’s Not-So-Big Productions
Carol is a grandmother who cares for the children to learn about Christianity. She found a perfect way to teach them through acting when they visited her house for the holidays. The plays were so popular that her Church has performed many of them on their stage. The plays can be greatly expanded and adapted to include more performers with more speaking, singing, instruments, and dances. These all can be tailored to the children and /or adults involved, pertinent to their ages, abilities, and personalities. The book includes plays 1-5: You Are There? The Friendly Beasts, An Astounding Celebration in Bethlehem. Oh Wise Men, Where art Thou? Family Christmas Memories. 69 pages Full-color CR 4343 $16.95 6”x 9” Perfect Bound
Author of one book. Spiritual inner healing. Author since 2011.
Lynette struggled to raise her son as a single parent. She is a fighter and a winner having worked through many complex issues.
Lord, Please Heal my Broken Spirit
Lynette found herself in a dark place as a result of the demise of her marriage to a Christian man after thirteen years. She received healing and makes it available to all those with suffer from a broken Spirit. Art for the cover by Roy Gregory. 136 pages Testimony and Inner healing LO-2441 $19.95 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound..
Author of one book. Bible teaching. Author since 2019.
Joy was raised to love music following after her father's footsteps. She is the choir director of The Voices in Cottonwood, Arizona. She also has a blog on Isaiah. See the link below.
Isaiah’s journey is also my journey and your journey. I wove my story inside Isaiah’s to show how all of us are like him, walking and stumbling into intimacy with Jesus.
Isaiah concludes with ten glorious chapters about the Church, and since the Church is God’s people, this also is about our journey to God. Our journey together as the bride of Christ is more exciting than our own. I hope you will see yourself rising closer to God as you read this. This book isn’t just my story or Isaiah’s story; it is the common threads of all our lives. Each chapter includes a section entitled “Digging Deeper” for those who wish to use it as a study guide. 200 pages JS-2094 $19.95 6”x 9” Perfect Bound
Author of one children's book. Author since 2016.
John has a new son and one of his concerns was bullying, so he wrote a book on it. He is the author and illustrator of his book.
Little Otis and the Bully Breeds
This is a story about a young pup who encounters his first bullies. With the help of his father, Big Otis, he acquires the confidence to stand up to the bullies. The experience makes Little Otis take a better look at him. 34 pages Children’s Book JS5787 $9.95 8.5” x 8.5” Staple Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of 2 children's books. Author since 2016.
Diana is active in filming and works full-time as a realtor in the Verde Valley. Three the Lost Ant is a favorite play for GBK to perform live on stage.
The Mud Man
African story about a husband who does not like his supper. He becomes angry and then regrets his words seeking forgiveness to his wife. $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Three the Lost Ant
There is a family of 10 ants and number 3 gets lost in the potato salad. The rest of the family has to act fast to rescue him. 36 pages DS-6128 $9.95 8” x 10” Perfect Bound
Athor of two children's books. Author since 2010. Edelgard was a friend of my grandmother and pulled out a book when I visited my grandmother in Olympia.
Mama Bugsy
(1-6 yr) is a book on how a mother bunny shares with the other animals. By Edelgard Strunks with art by Peggy Ushakoff. 23 pages ES-8124 8.5” x 8.5” Staple Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Setareh and the Nightingale
(1-6 yr) Chapter book of a fairy tale complete with princes and queens. By Edelgard Strunks with art by Peggy Ushakoff. 45 pages ES-8159 6” x 8” Coil Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Author of one cookbook. Author since 2018.
Jt’s Bistro
8.5 x 11 Full-color cookbook featuring recipes that are used in Jt’s Bistro Restaurant in Camp Verde, Arizona. The book includes a history of the building and the chef. 8.5” x 11” Perfect Bound Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Dei Glocke
Space the last frontier! Mr. Treptow has taken a topic that most Americans don’t know too much about and has come up with another fascinating story. I learned a little more about Wernher von Braun that I didn’t know, mainly because you only hear or read about Hitler’s other henchmen that surrounded him. Never been to Camp Verde, but it sounds like a nice little town. I like to hike and may try that Squaw Peak trail that Cliff and Tony took. Good job Mr. Treptow on another riveting read! 6” x 9” Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
Wayne has gathered the most treasured family recipes and added many of his own to present a delicious rendition of cooking at its best. 136 pages WT 8711 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound $14.95
Hok A Hey (It’s a great day to die)
A historical novel on the battle of Custer’s Last Stand. The book is full of energy, history, romance, and a true sense of what it was like to be a trooper in the Seventh Cavalry in 1876. 308 pages WT-7628 5.5” x 8.5” Perfect Bound $19.95
My Little Girl
Children’s book. ‘My Little Girl’ is a suspenseful book. Climb in and have fun with this delightful story. Has a surprise ending--as with all of his books. 18 pages WT 0096 8.5” x 8.5” Staple bound $6.00 Available from the author or Glorybound Publishing directly
What a taste of history this time around with Wayne Treptow’s newest novel, the Big Red One. Just the cover tells the whole story of this epic moment of World War II. Tony Lupore walks out of the book and leads the reader on a full-frontal assault throughout the whole novel. Kudos to you, Mr. Treptow for another riveting read! 179 pages 2250-WT $19.95 6” x 9 Perfect Bound
The Bulge” is clear, thought thru story by Wayne F. Treptow. I felt that I was there experiencing everything that the main character “Billy Shultz” was going through. The Battle of The Bulge was an important win for the Allies and surely America’s military. 105 pages WT-4664 $10.95 6” x 9 Perfect Bound
room for another author
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